How to Properly Wash a Human Hair Wig

Preparing Your Wig for Washing

Before you start the washing process, it's crucial to take specific steps to ensure your human hair wig is properly prepared. Taking time for pre-wash care will help maintain the lifespan of your wig and keep it looking its best. Here are some essential tips for preparing your human hair wig for washing:

  1. Gently Detangle: Before getting your wig wet, remove any tangles using a wide-tooth comb or a wig brush. Start at the tips and work your way up to the roots to minimize shedding and breakage.
  2. Remove Accessories: If you've used clips, bobby pins, or any hair accessories, make sure to remove them. Also, detach any wig glue or adhesives if applied.
  3. Check for Damages: Inspect your wig for any signs of damage. If you find any areas that need repair, attend to them before washing to prevent worsening the problem.
  4. Pre-Treat Stains: If your wig has any makeup stains or other visible marks, apply a small amount of gentle shampoo directly to those areas. Gently work the shampoo into the stains with your fingers.
  5. Rinse Before Shampooing: Give your wig a gentle rinse with lukewarm water to remove initial build-up of styling products or dust.

Following these pre-wash tips will make the washing process smoother and more effective. By handling your human hair wig with care from the onset, you will extend its wearable life and ensure it continues to look as natural and beautiful as the day you got it.

Choosing the Right Shampoo and Conditioner

When washing your human hair wig, using the right shampoo and conditioner is crucial for maintaining its natural look and extending its lifespan. It's important to choose wig-specific products to ensure that you are giving your wig the gentle care it needs. These products are specifically formulated to cleanse without stripping the hair of natural oils, which regular shampoos might do.

  • Sulfate-Free Shampoo: Look for a sulfate-free shampoo, as sulfates can be harsh on the wig's hair fibers, leading to dryness and frizziness. A gentle, sulfate-free formula will help keep the wig looking soft and healthy.
  • Moisturizing Conditioner: A good quality moisturizing conditioner is key for human hair wigs to prevent them from becoming brittle. Since wigs do not receive oils from the scalp like our natural hair, moisturizing conditioners help reintroduce moisture back into the hair after washing.

Here is a list of points to consider when selecting these products:

  1. Check if the shampoo and conditioner are free from harmful chemicals like sulfates and parabens.
  2. Opt for products that are labeled as color-safe if your wig is dyed, to prevent fading.
  3. Look for labels that mention “for synthetic hair” if you have a blend of human and synthetic fibers in your wig.
  4. Consider purchasing products that include natural oils like argan or coconut oil for added nourishment.
  5. Ask your wig manufacturer or a professional for product recommendations suited for your specific wig type.

Remember, while it might be tempting to use your regular hair care products on your wig, investing in specialized wig care products will yield better results and keep your human hair wig in pristine condition for longer.

Washing Your Human Hair Wig Step by Step

Washing a human hair wig properly is essential to maintaining its natural look and extending its lifespan. It's generally recommended to wash your wig every 6-8 wears, but this can vary based on your level of activity and exposure to odor and dirt. Below is a step-by-step guide to ensure you wash your wig correctly.

  1. Preparation:

    Before immersing your wig, fill a sink or basin with lukewarm water - hot water can damage the hair. Adding a small amount of wig-formulated shampoo to the water will create a gentle shampoo solution.

  2. Submerging Your Wig:

    Turn the wig inside out and gently place it into the water, allowing it to soak for a few minutes. Do not rub or twist the wig as this can cause tangling.

  3. Cleaning:

    After the wig has soaked, move it around in the water to help dislodge any buildup. Then, take the wig out of the water and apply a small amount of shampoo directly to the wig. Using your fingers, distribute the shampoo throughout the hair, moving from the base to the tips in a downward motion.

  4. Rinsing:

    Rinse the wig under a faucet with lukewarm water, ensuring all the shampoo is washed out. Again, make sure the water flows from the base to the tips to avoid tangling.

  5. Conditioning:

    After thoroughly rinsing, apply a wig-approved conditioner, avoiding the wig's roots, which could weaken the hair's attachment to the base. Leave the conditioner in for a few minutes before rinsing it out in the same manner as the shampoo.

  6. Final Rinse:

    Conduct a final rinse with cold water to close the hair cuticles and lock in moisture.

  7. Drying the Wig:

    Gently squeeze out excess water with a towel. Do not wring or twist the wig. Place the wig on a wig stand or laying flat on a towel for a natural air-dry.

By following these steps with a gentle touch and patience, you will effectively clean your wig without causing damage to the delicate human hair fibers.

Drying and Styling Your Human Hair Wig

Once your human hair wig is washed, proper drying and styling are crucial to maintain its quality and longevity. Begin by gently blotting the wig with a towel to remove excess water. It's important to be gentle and avoid rubbing the hair to prevent tangles and damage. Air drying is the safest method to dry your wig. Place it on a wig stand or a mannequin head, ensuring it's in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight or heat, as this can cause the hair to become brittle and dry.

Once the wig is slightly damp, you can start styling. If you decide to use heat styling tools, ensure that the hair is almost dry and use the tools on a low to medium setting. Some human hair wigs come with a heat-resistant feature, but frequent styling with high heat may still harm the wig's natural texture and lifespan. Always use a thermal protectant spray before applying heat to shield the strands.

When you're not wearing your wig, it's best to store it on a wig stand. Wig stands help maintain the wig's shape and style, preventing unnecessary kinks or tangles. Moreover, having the wig elevated can prevent it from becoming flat or misshapen, which can occur if stored improperly.

Remember that your styling choices can impact how often you need to wash your wig—frequent heat styling might require more frequent cleaning due to product build-up. By following these drying and styling tips, your human hair wig will remain beautiful, keep its shape, and last much longer.

Maintaining Your Wig Between Washes

To keep your human hair wig looking as fresh and healthy as possible between washes, proper storage and routine maintenance are crucial. First and foremost, when not wearing your wig, it’s important to store it correctly to avoid tangles and damage. Investing in a wig stand or a mannequin head can keep your wig's shape intact and reduce the risk of kinks or knots. If these are not available, a silk or satin bag can also serve as a good storage solution to keep the hair smooth and tangle-free.

Routine detangling is essential to maintain the wig's quality. Use a wide-tooth comb or a wig brush designed specifically for human hair wigs, and gently comb through the strands, starting from the ends and working your way up to the roots to minimize shedding and breakage. If you encounter a knot, use your fingers to gently loosen it before attempting to comb through it.

Additionally, it’s beneficial to implement a routine maintenance schedule. Even when not in use, wigs can attract dust and lose their luster. Weekly, take a moment to inspect your wig for any signs of dryness or tangles and address these issues promptly. A light mist of a wig conditioner or a wig spray can help to keep the hair soft and manageable.

Lastly, to keep the hair from becoming excessively oily or laden with product build-up, avoid applying heavy styling products between washes. If the wig begins to look greasy or lifeless, consider using a dry shampoo designed for human hair wigs to refresh the strands without having to wash it completely.

By following these storage and routine maintenance tips, you can extend the lifespan of your human hair wig and enjoy a natural, beautiful appearance for much longer.